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Can Animals or Pets Use CBD?

CBD for pets| CBD for animals | CBD

Can Animals/ Pets Use CBD?

CBD’s boom in popularity has led to many questions surrounding the compound and using it on animals and pets is one of them.

Can Animals or Pets Use CBD? Yes, animals and pets can use CBD. CBD made for humans can be used, but there are also CBD products specifically for animals too.

Both human and animal designed CBD is safe for your animal to consume, look out for animal targeted products, along with other minerals and vitamins good for your pet, they should provide information on dosages – an otherwise grey area with animals and CBD.

Stick to the human laws for CBD and cannabis in your country and you will be safe to possess, buy and use CBD for your animal.

Many variables have to be considered with CBD because it depends on the product, the quality of it and how some people metabolize CBD differently, just as with any biohacking supplement.

Does CBD work differently with animals compared to humans? 

Is it safe for pets to use CBD? Yes, it is safe for pets to take CBD, as long as you consider their size, weight, and biology, just as you should when giving it to a person.

Dogs, cats and even horses (in fact all mammals) have an endocannabinoid system just like humans.

The cannabinoid CBD will, therefore, work in the same way as it does with humans, the only thing that differs is the dosage.

Just like the human body, your pet’s body produces cannabinoids of its own. Similarly, they have two receptors for cannabinoids, these are CB1 and CB2 receptors.

CB1 receptors are more commonly found in the brain and are linked with many functions including coordination, movement, emotions, mood, appetite, memories and pain.

CB2 receptors are found in the immune system, they relate to pain and inflammation. CBD helps the body to use more of its own cannabinoids. These cannabinoids have an anti-inflammatory effect, blocking the pain signals from getting to the brain.

CBD for dogs

THC is a toxic chemical for dogs. CBD oil contains minimal (legally less than 0.2 – 0.3%) THC content so it should not cause damage but be cautious in purchasing products as some are not truthful about their contents.

Again, look for animal-specific CBD products, or CBD isolates or Broad-spectrum CBD which both do not contain any THC.

The benefits that CBD provides for dogs are similar to the ones that are provided to humans, these include:

Side effects of CBD for dogs are again similar to the ones experienced by humans, and just as rare also, these include:

Dosages for dogs vary on an individual basis.

Generally, the bigger the dog, the bigger the dosage. The reason for treatment is also an important consideration.

Animal specific products will give recommended dosages and these are a great guideline to follow.

Begin with the minimal dosage and increase until the desired effect is achieved. Check with your vet for recommended dosages also.

Methods of intake can range from:

All will be equally effective in treating your dog.

Choose which is best for your pet based on their preference. If they don’t like the taste of the oil then capsules can easily be hidden in other foods, alternatively, the treats may taste better, or vice versa.

Experiment and test to see which works best for you and your dog.

As always, when adding something new to your dogs’ diet or medicine, check with your vet.

CBD  can react with other drugs just as it does in humans, so make sure you notify and check with your vet before administering any CBD.

CBD for cats

As with dogs, THC is toxic for cats. CBD products contain trace amounts of THC (legally less than 0.2 – 0.3%) so they should be safe but always look for animal-specific products which will give helpful dosage guidelines also.

Alternatively, look for CBD isolate or Broad-spectrum CBD products that do not contain any THC.

CBD’s benefits are similar for all species, again these are some of them:

Side effects are similar also, these include:

Dosages vary on an individual basis. Consider the size of your cat, their age, and their ailment.

For Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Pancreatitis, dosages are around 0.1 – 0.5 mg/kg twice daily.

For seizure relief dosages can increase to 5 mg/kg twice daily.

Testing and trialing for the best effect is useful, always start with the minimum dosage and increase until the desired effect.

Always check with your vet and guidelines on the back of products for dosages.

Methods of intake can be:

As with administering CBD for dogs, always check with your vet before adding anything to your cat’s diet or medicine routine.

CBD can react with other drugs so be cautious.

CBD for horses

Be THC is toxic to horses, so be very careful.

Due to its extraction process, CBD products contain trace amounts of THC (legally only 0.2 – 0.3%) which should be safe, but to be cautious buy products designed for the animal or CBD isolate or Broad-spectrum CBD which both do not contain any THC.

Benefits for horses differ from those of cats and dogs as CBD can help with specific horse-related ailments, benefits include:

Side effects are minimal and rare, these include:

Dosages vary on an individual basis. Often they are calculated on the weight of the horse. All animal designed products will give guidelines on dosages.

Methods of intake include:

All methods work the same, pick and choose on an individual basis, whichever your horse prefers is best.

One potential issue with CBD and horses relates to drug tests.

The United States Equestrian Federation announced that as of September 1, 2019, a positive test result for cannabinoids will incur violations, check your country’s rules on this.

This can be an issue because drug tests check for THC to judge cannabinoids in the system and some CBD products contain trace amounts of THC.

As is proven by various human cases, even trace amounts of THC can cause a positive result in testing for cannabinoids, so use with caution and discontinue use 7 – 10 days before any event to minimize the chances of a false positive.


CBD for pets can be a great addition to their diets/medicines.

It can help with a variety of issues from anxiety to specific illnesses like Laminitis in horses.

Side effects are minimal and rare, dosages can be an issue but all products should give a guideline, always check with your vet also.

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