As our body’s made up of about 60% water if you’re a man and 55% if you’re a woman, it’s critical we drink the right amount every day.
These are the seven things you can do to biohack water that’ll make it even better for your body and mind.
- Pick the right water source
- Filter the water
- Store the water correctly
- Look at how you’re using the water – drinking, cooking, bathing
- Add specific nutrients
- Use water at specific temperatures
- Drink at different times of the day
Biohacking is a science-based, pro-active approach to improving the way your brain and body works, and water is a very important part of this and it can be easily biohacked too.
Depending on your age, weight, health goals and basic hydration needs, which are down to the things like the environment and temperature you’re in and what exercise you do, realistically you should be drinking between 2 and 3 liters of water a day and planning to do that at specific times too.
Table of Contents
Picking the right water source

As mentioned, the water that comes from a tap is far from ideal.
Because of how we use water – drinking it, cooking with it, washing in it, adding chemicals to it when washing clothes or cleaning surfaces, in industry, when farming and even for fun, the reality is all water on the plant has been recycled multiple times.
As part of the recycling process and to make it basically safe, processing removes some things and adds others, so what comes out of the tap often contains:
Lead – because water travels through lead pipe work. Lead, even at low levels can cause problems for your liver, it’s bad for fertility, your brain function, blood pressure and many other negative things.
Chlorine – yes this sanitizes water by killing certain bacteria and microbes, but it’s also highly toxic. It’s linked with respiratory problems like asthma, and increased risk of
Fluoride – this has been added to some water supplies to help with tooth decay, but is it the best way to combat problems caused by a poor diet when it’s been linked to thyroid problems, reduced brain function, high blood pressure, lower fertility and acne?
You can avoid many of these problems by having the right water source to start with such as:
Mineral Water – this contains various natural minerals such as salts.
Distilled Water – this has been turned in to vapor and then back to a liquid to remove impurities.
Deionized Water – all the ions have been removed so it doesn’t have a charge and therefore this removes things like salts from it
Natural Spring Water – this is from a single, non-polluted source and often is used to make mineral water
Purified or Filtered Water – water that’s been filtered and purified to remove impurities like chemicals.
You can also pick specific water based on what it contains and where it comes from, which will affect the mineral content, purity and pH value.
The brand Voss comes form Norway and based on the location and natural features of the area, it’s said to be pure and protected from the air and other pollutants.
Evian comes from the French Alps, Volvic is also French but based on the rocks in the area it contains different minerals and a distinct flavor.
You also have to consider the pH value, this is an indicator of how acidic something water-based is, and on a scale form 0 to 14, the lower the number the more acidic it is, so neutral, pure water has a pH of 7, above this it’s alkaline and below this it’s acidic.
You’ll hear people, talk about hard or soft water, this tends to be based on the amount of calcium and magnesium ions in it – soft water normally has a lower pH value and hard water has a higher pH level and therefore more of the mineral ions.
But a range between a pH of 6.5 and 8.5 is accepted as safe but hard water makes soap less effective, it can leave limescale on taps and if you ask tea drinkers, they’ll tell you it doesn’t make as good a cup as soft water.
Filter the water

Water filtration comes in many forms, but in this article we’re looking at home filtration, rather than industrial filtration, so you have:
Simple counter top, portable water filer jugs or pitchers from companies like BRITA; these are low cost simple devices that you fill from the tap.
There are also more complex and hi-tec versions that heat and cool water too and people like Richard Branson are getting in to this with his VirginPure range of products.
You can install a water filter under the sink to make things easier, so this has happened before it comes out of the tap, making it easy every day to improve water quality.
Then there’s whole house filters and softeners too. This is potentially a good idea because it’s not just drinking and cooking water that you filter, it’s also benefiting what you use for washing clothes in when you shower or bath or even what you use in a swimming pool or hot tub.
There are also multiple ways to filter water, such as reverse osmosis, Ultraviolet (UV) light, you can even boil water too.
There’s also a way to filter water through electrolysis which gives you what’s called Kangen Water and you can vary the pH between 8.5 and 11, but don’t drink the high pH levels, it’s not good for you but it’s great for other uses that we’ll cover later.
I wouldn’t suggest adding things like chlorine drops, charcoal or iodine to tap water. It’s OK if you’re camping or trekking in the wilderness and using a natural water source, but at
I also wouldn’t suggest using a bio-filter with gravel, sand and activated charcoal. It’s fine for collecting rainwater and using it on plants or if the water’s not consumed, like flushing a toilet, but it’s not suited to biohacking water for your body.
Store the water correctly

Water, like everything, carries a frequency and this frequency is altered by everything it comes in to contact with, so how it’s handled and stored is directly linked to biohacking.
We’re all aware of the damage single use plastics have on the planet, but they also negatively impact our water.
Using plastic isn’t good, especially if it’s not kept away form sunlight, as chemicals in the bottle can transfer in to the water.
You’ll also find that storing water in metal can affect it and you can even taste this in some cases. – just try the same water from a glass, metal container and a plastic cup and you can taste the difference.
If you can, use glass containers for water – even if you’re drinking it, drink it from a glass. And if you are storing water of any type for any purpose, keep it in an airtight container as just two weeks after it’s been exposed to the air, it can go “off”.
If your water’s correctly sealed and stored, away form direct sunlight in particular, and in a dry, cold place also helps, it will stay safe and drinkable for at least 12 months.
And another biohack is using gemstones and crystals in your water storage bottles, as these transfer their properties to the water.
Crystals are used in healing because of the way they store and transmit energy and this is transferred into the water too as they both have frequencies, so select the right crystal or gemstone for your goals and biohack water with it.
Companies like Glacce and VitaJuwel have made this very easy and fashionable too.
Look at how you’re using the water

We use water in all sorts of ways and the biohacking approach will depend on this.
On a basic level the pH level helps in certain situations:
A high pH, so above 8.5 is good for cleaning and cooking
A medium high pH of 8.5 to 9.5 is good to drink, food preparation, making tea and coffee, and it’s good to water plants with this too.
A neutral pH of 7 is good in cases where you are giving it to a baby or young child and when using it with medication as it’s balanced so “easy” on the body.
A medium low pH of 6.0 to 4.0 is great for hair and beauty situations, it works well with soaps too. And it can also be good for cleaning as it leaves things spotless. And if you freeze food a lower pH helps maintain taste after things have been thawed out.
A low pH of below 3 may be dangerous to drink, but it’s great at disinfecting things in a home and commercial situation.
As well as the pH you can also change the water’s air content, this is something people do with red wine to help it, as they say, “
When you increase this it can remove gases stuck in the water that affect the taste and some gases are best avoided too, like radon. The other benefit of aerated water is also said to benefit the cells and helps you hydrate more efficiently as a result.
Add specific nutrients

There are so many things you can add to water based on what you’re looking to achieve, some are natural and some are supplements, but here are some ideas.
In the morning it’s a good idea to rehydrate, adding lemon juice to water increases digestion so helps detox the body after a long period of inactivity.
If you also add some Himalayan salt too, as it contains electrolytes, it helps balance hydration and your body’s ability to naturally wake up, as it fires up your adrenal glands and helps muscles contract and relax.
If you’re using fresh squeezed, natural fruit juice in water, also think about what you do with things like peal because, if it’s organic, you can add this to things like blended juices and smoothies too. Fresh p
Salt is a natural electrolyte but there are others and adding this to water is a good thing, turning plain water in to a sports drink in the process. As well as helping muscles work, which by the way includes the heart, electrolytes also regulate blood pressure, control blood acidity (pH) and help manage your body’s water level too.
An example of a liquid based natural electrolyte that’s quick and easy to use is Elete Electrolyte or Trace Minerals 40,000 volts! – they can be bought on Amazon, there’s also flavored electrolytes too, if you want to add this to the water, but if you can stick with simple, specific supplements you get what you want and need and not things that are non-beneficial – which is what many of the popular sports drinks have in abundance.
Here are some other things you can add to water and why you may want to add them:
Cell Food – this oxygenates cells and helps the body clean cells
Crystal Energy – removes toxins form the body, including free radicals and the effects of alcohol
Ionic Minerals – these are not just trace minerals, some versions have things like fulvic and amino acid in too and these are natural anti-oxidants, improving gut health and nutrient absorption.
You can also use general and specific supplements with water, so whether you’re looking to lose weight and reduce fat, build muscle, increase brain function, detox or many other things, water is a key part of many nutrition plans that include supplements. Here on HackBiohacking, there’s a comprehensive article on what’s scientifically proven to work, depending on your goals.

You can biohack water when you having a bath, for example adding magnesium chloride will help you relax so add it in the evening to help get a better night’s sleep.
An adding Epsom Salts to a bath is another biohack that’s been used for hundred’s of years to ease aches and pains.
You should even cook in different ways with water, for example, the sous-vide method can maintain flavours and nutrients. T
Use water at specific temperatures

There are many ways to use water, taking a cold shower or sitting in an ice bath to relaxing in a warm bath. These are obvious ways to use water temperature as a biohack, but drinking water at different temperatures can be a biohack too.
To rehydrate drink water between 10C (50F) and 22C (72F) as it’s easiest to absorb at this temperature.
Obviously drinking cold water can help lower body temperature and hot water aids digestion.
Also, think about converting water into steam. Steam’s great for relieving nasal congestion and is a useful way to detox too if it’s done in a way that makes you sweat.
Drink specific water at specific times

Water has so many benefits, but smart timing is a great biohack.
On a basic level, if you want to reduce what you eat then about 30 minutes before a meal or if you’re feeling hungry, drink water as this will not just fill you up, it’s diluting digestive juices.
It’s not a good idea to drink too much water, or any other hydrating liquid, while you eat, as it dilutes the acid in the stomach. You should
As mentioned earlier, you should be drinking water as soon as you wake up, and adding lemon juice and Himalayan salt is best too. And if you wait at least 30 minutes before you eat too, this gives the water the best chance to get to work on your cells.
Obviously, you need to make sure you’re hydrated before and after exercise, so plan this and any supplements you’re taking so you can perform at you best.
And while exercising keep topping up your hydration level, but that’s all it should be and again, adding electrolytes to the water can really help.
If your energy levels are dropping drink water, as this will help the brain, which is about 75% water, because it improves cognitive function and in fact fatigue is one of the main signs of dehydration.
Before talking a hot bath or a long warm shower drink water as this will help lower blood pressure.
And finally, before bed, drinking water will help you stay hydrated and reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke while in bed because as the blood becomes thicker, because your body dehydrates.
In conclusion
Smart use of water and biohacking it takes what we all know about consuming the right amount of it and makes it even more relevant for a health mind and body.
Biohacked water not only hydrates us, but it also helps with nutrition, vitamin and mineral absorption, reduces inflammation, helps with conditions like IBS and asthma, gives us more energy, helps prevent serious health problems like heart attacks or a stroke. It even helps us loose and
So stop thinking of water as just a basic human need and start thinking of it as a biohacking super star.